Spring Research Colloquium
Join us for the first annual SFSU faculty-student research colloquium on zoom, April 21st at 1 PM PDT. We are pleased to present three projects that were made possible, in part, from funding from the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies. Dr. Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui, Assistant Professor in the Department of Communications, received a 2021-2022 faculty research grant to support her project, “AI and Blackness.” She will present her preliminary findings from her research at the colloquium. We will also have presentations from the first two recipients of the Azar Hatefi Graduate Fellowship in Iranian Diaspora Studies. Kimia Akbari and Leith Ghuloum, both Master’s students in the College of Ethnic Studies will share their thesis projects. Akbari will present on “Racialization and Radicalization in the Iranian Diaspora” and Ghuloum will present on “Queer Iranian Diasporas: Then and Now.”
Please find the registration link here: bit.ly/SpringResearch
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