Join us for a Norooz Celebration on March 13th!
Norooz, the spring equinox, is an ancient and important holiday in the Iranian tradition. As we await some good news, and the arrival of longer days, we draw attention to the need for hope—which can be found in nature and in the seasons. around the corner. More than ever, we also need to come together as a community. Please join us on Wednesday, March 13th at 1:00 PM for an early Norooz celebration at the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies in person. We'll have refreshments, sweets, and share music by SF State student, Sirvan Manhoobi, and we hope you'll also bring poetry.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 1:00-3:30 PM
Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies
503 Humanities Building
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
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