OUT in the Diaspora: Virtual Readings & Storytelling, June 20, 3:00 pm (PST)

Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies, San Francisco State University in collaboration with Diaspora Arts Connection proudly presents “Out in the Diaspora,” an event on Zoom, aiming to celebrate the Iranian diaspora LGBTQIA community. This virtual event features readings and storytelling of Iranian LGBTQIA writers on Zoom on Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 3:00 pm. Recognizing the powerful role of literature in this diaspora, writers Nina Mir, Danny Rafinejad, Dena Rod, and Mokhtar Paki will share their work. Dena Rod and Daniel Rafinejad will read from the recently-published anthology, My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora, and Nina Mir, a San Francisco State University student will share their short story. Artist and writer, Mokhtar Paki will introduce the "naghali" art form of storytelling which draws on Iran’s rich oral storytelling tradition. Following the Zoom event, we will share Mokhtar Paki's storytelling in a video. This event is free and open to the public. You can reserve your spot by writing to iraniandiasporastudies@sfsu.edu to receive the Zoom event information.
Dena Rod is a Creative Non-fiction Editor at Homology Lit and runs the RADAR Productions blog. Rod's nonfiction essays and poetry illuminate the diasporic experiences of Iranian Americans and queer identity. (denarod.com)
Danny Rafinejad taught Persian language and literature at Harvard University before devoting himself to full-time writing and translating. His work has appeared in Pearls of Persia: The Philosophical Poetry of Nasir Khusraw and My Shadow is My Skin: Writings from the Iranian Diaspora. He is working on a collection of essays/memoir and recently completed his first play.
Mokhtar Paki is a visual artist, art teacher, and architectural designer. His work has been exhibited throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and in his Berkeley studio. He has several short stories and articles in Iranian anthologies. His novel "Shamayel-e-Mana" was published in Sweden (1997) and in Iran in (2003). His second novel, "Shahrazad of Silence," was published in 2015. (mokhtarpaki.com)
Poster shows "Two Fabulouses," a painting by Mokhtar Paki.