In Between the Look: Fashion, Identity, and the Spaces Between
Event Date: Wednesday, November 28 - 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location: The Global Museum, Fine Arts 203, SF State University
Please join us for In Between the Look with Hushidar Mortezaie, a fashion designer, visual artist, and activist whose work blends folklore, gender politics, and iconography. Mortezaie intends for his designs, featured in Italian Vogue and worn by celebrities such as Beyonce and Sarah Jessica Parker, to reflect the past, present, and future of his heritage and inspire the next generation of Iranian-American youth to take pride in their culture.
This talk is part of the ongoing lecture series, Conversations on Culture: Diaspora, an ongoing lecture series in the Global Museum at San Francisco State University, co-hosted with the SF State Anthropology department.
The Global Museum, Fine Arts 203, San Francisco State University (SEE MAP)
Light refreshments will be served. This event is free of charge.