A Reading and Reception with Poet Solmaz Sharif

The Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies, in collaboration with the Poetry Center at San Francisco State University, present poet, Solmaz Sharif, who will share selections from her book LOOK, published by Graywolf Press.
The Reading and Reception will welcome the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies and its inaugural director, Dr. Persis Karim.
Wednesday, March 7, 7-9 p.m.
Humanities Symposium Room, HUM 587 at SF State.
Free and open to the public.
Born in Istanbul to Iranian parents, Solmaz Sharif holds degrees from U.C. Berkeley, where she studied and taught with June Jordan’s Poetry for the People, and New York University. Her debut collection LOOK (Graywolf Press) was a finalist for the 2016 National Book Award and 2017 PEN Open Book Award. In 2017, Sharif was the recipient of the 27th annual PEN Center USA Literary award in Poetry for LOOK. Sharif has published poetry in the New Republic and Poetry, and has received a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. She is currently a Jones Lecturer at Stanford University.
Click for more about Solmaz Sharif.
Click for more about Dr. Persis Karim and the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies.