Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies Presents Storyteller and Artist Hamid Rahmanian

On November 2nd, 2017, the Center hosted artist, storyteller, and puppeteer, Hamid Rahmanian, who shared his impressive work re-envisioning The Shahnameh, The Epic of Persian Kings. Creating thousands of composite images, Rahmanian brings the national epic of Iran to a 21st century audience.
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Artist, Storyteller and Puppeteer, Hamid Rahmanian spoke on November 2, 2017 of his work, projects, and artistic process.

The Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies brought Hamid Rahmanian to the SF State campus tospeak to students who had read parts of his new version of The Shahnameh, The Epic of Persian Kings.

The Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies brought Hamid Rahmanian to the SF State campus to speak to students who had read parts of his new version of The Shahnameh, The Epic of Persian Kings.

Hamid Rahmanian created hundreds of composite images for his new version of Ferdowski’s The Shahnameh, updating the Iranian National Epic for a 21st century audience.

Rahmanian shared details of his art and design forthe very first pop-up book based on an Iranian Tale: Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King

With design by Rahmanian, paper engineering bySimon Arizpe, and text edited from Ferdowski’s epic tale by Ahmad Sadri andMelissa Hibbard, the book is an explosion of intricate and colorful panels.

Hamid Rahmanianalso shared some of his graphic pieces rendered as puppets, costumes, masks, scenography and digital animationused in a “live animation” shadow casting/puppet show called Feathers of Fire.

Feathers of Fire was conceived, designed and directed by Hamid Rahmanian using imagery derived from the visual tradition of the region. The shadow casting technique perfected by shadow master Larry Reed comes to life on a cinema-sized screen.

Artist,Storyteller,and Puppeteer Hamid Rahmanianwith Dr. Persis Karim, Director of the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies at SF State.